Lindsay Rittenhouse
2015 Editor in Chief parts ways with 90 years
By Lindsay Rittenhouse | April 29As I look back on the past year as Editor in Chief, I am proud of what the paper has accomplished. Everyone on The Setonian has honed their skills to write, report and find stories. We have veered away from student gossip and complaint and published a paper that is factual and balanced. I could not have imagined a better year to wrap up the Setonian’s 90th anniversary. It is amazing to think of the Setonian being around for 90 years, and too, to think I am one of the lucky ones to have had the opportunity to lead it. Being an editor was not only challenging and rewarding but life-changing and I will always cherish my memories on the paper as the best of my college career. Although I may not get as much sleep or party time as everyone else, I was able to learn so much. I was taught not only newspaper skills such as editing and design, but life skills from all the people I was able to be in contact with. I became closer with administrators than my own peers and it is an experience that was truly unique and rewarding. I learned how each department and office on this campus operates through the many articles I have written. I was even offered a tour of the underground tunnels beneath campus (yes they are real!). I was able to talk to students from all walks of life and report on important topics affecting our community. One story in particular I am very thankful I was able to cover was the Jessica Moore murder trials, held in Newark. It was really eye-opening going there and seeing how her tragic death had so deeply touched the heart of the University community, as Seton Hall students were present to testify. I was happy to be able to tell their story. I am happy to have served as the voice of the community for the past four years and to have reshaped the way The Setonian and administration have communicated with each other this past year. I hope, and know judging on who is taking over, that this good working relationship will continue. I hope, if for nothing else, I am remembered by future Setonian editors as someone who strengthened the interaction between the campus newspaper and the community, who we are ultimately here to serve.
Editor's Letter: New chief, new challenges
By Lindsay Rittenhouse | April 8I am pleased to announce that Mary Marshall has been elected Editor in Chief of The Setonian for the 2015-16 academic year. I have worked with Mary since she joined the news team as a freshman staff writer when I was a sophomore editor, so I know firsthand how talented, dedicated and ambitious she is. While I was News Editor that first year, Mary volunteered for every last-minute story we needed covered by a staff writer. I can remember saying, “Oh no, we need someone at such and such event in an hour, call Mary!” She also would come in on production nights and help with InDesign (the program we use to put the newspaper pages together). I was so impressed that a freshman could figure out how to fix a layout or system problem that no senior editor could. So when she joined the editorial team, I knew she would make a perfect teammate, and I was not disappointed. The next year we worked side by side as News Editor and Assistant News Editor. That year Mary became my right-hand man and a very good friend here at Seton Hall. From covering the Jessica Moore murder trials in Newark (and getting our car towed while there) to almost walking out of production together one night, we have always had each other’s backs. From there Mary took over the news section and has made it into a professional, reliable source for campus news. She has realized the need for stories that inform the community and not just complain about our university. Now I am so thrilled to be passing on the position of Editor in Chief to her. Mary seriously does not love anything on this campus more than the newspaper. I am almost positive she would jump in front of a train to save a copy of it. I have never met someone who has been more loyal and dedicated to something than she is toward this newspaper. Mary plans on holding the Setonian to high standards of integrity and professionalism and I know she will succeed in that. She is a great leader, friend and journalist and I am sure that leading The Setonian is just one of the many great things she will do in her career and life.
Government insists on sexual assault awareness survey
By Lindsay Rittenhouse | February 11The Campus Climate Survey has been recently circulating to Seton Hall students via e-mail and at first glance, readers may not realize how important a topic it is. The survey is part of a government initiative to get colleges and universities talking about sexual assault and violence on campus.
Rutger’s medical school not seen as competition
By Lindsay Rittenhouse | February 4About two and a half years ago, Gov. Chris Christie signed a bill that merged Rutgers University and the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey (UMDNJ), and gave Rutgers nearly all of UMDNJ in Newark and Piscataway.
Greek Life: Don't 'rush' a financial decision
By Lindsay Rittenhouse | December 4If you are someone who joined Greek life with the notion that a $200 fee would be the only payment you would need to make throughout the semester, you may have been taken aback by hidden fees and fines.
Public safety and Housing assures alarms are for safety
By Lindsay Rittenhouse | November 6On Wednesday, Nov. 5, someone tampered with a fire alarm in Aquinas Hall dormitory, adding to the slew of activations this semester.
Yearly report should be used as guideline
By Lindsay Rittenhouse | October 9The 2014 Campus Security and Fire Safety Report was released on Oct. 1 includes several new definitions that make interpreting the statistics somewhat more difficult, and breaks down the new numbers for students.