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Halloween is not an excuse to be insensitive to others

Halloween is this month and I wanted to take the time to remind everyone to avoid cultural appropriation. I love Halloween as much as the next person, but it’s important to remember that someone else’s culture should be not be your go-to choice for a Halloween costume.


Disabled students should study abroad

When I was getting ready to start my senior year at SHU, all I knew was I wanted to make it the best year ever. I was thinking about what I hadn’t done yet in college and the one thing that took over my thinking was study abroad. I had never left America, and it was at the top of my bucket list.


I hope to pay it forward when I graduate

Some memories are clearer than others, this one is crystal. I remember walking from Aquinas Hall to the University Center on a Wednesday night in April 2016. I didn’t know then, but the next half hour would change my life.


I found myself through studying journalism

Like some other college students, I will be ending my collegiate career in a different place than where I started it. Towards the end of my first year as a nursing major at Seton Hall University, I realized that while I respect the profession, I could not find joy in doing that work for the rest of my life.


In college, remember to trust your gut

When I was a junior in high school, I figured out exactly what I was going to do for the rest of my life. I would attend Seton Hall University for its Speech Pathology 4+2 Program, graduate with three degrees in speech pathology, elementary and special education and English, and I would become a speech language pathologist. I would always have a job, I would save the self-esteem and speech of thousands of children, and I would write the next best-selling novel on the side.


Seton Hall needs to work on their security

Safety should be a top priority, if not the highest priority for a college campus. With thousands of students in the area every day, the potential for disaster without the correct security is heightened.


On Valentine’s Day, learn to love yourself first

With Valentine’s Day being an unofficial American holiday, I understand that there’s this societal pressure to engage in romantic love and be part of a relationship that transcends the individual. For me, this day is an opportunity to reflect on myself and on the importance of learning to love myself first.


SuperBowl halftime show left much to be desired

Within 72 hours, Maroon 5’s halftime show performance has accumulated over 700,000 dislikes on YouTube. The video has yet to reach 100,000 likes, thus positioning Super Bowl LIII’s halftime fumble into an infamous category of YouTube’s bin of trolled, despised content.


Now is the time to act on climate change, or else

When I was born in 1999 in a small town just across the river from Philadelphia, it must’ve seemed to my family that I had a bright future ahead of me. I was being brought into a new millennium propelled by unprecedented economic growth, ever-advancing technology, and a new era of peace ushered in by the end of the Cold War. Americans, by and large, were closing out an era of rapid positive change, eager to see what the year 2000 and beyond would bring.


Student athletes need to care about their mental health

Students and college athletes are being offered more resources for mental health than they ever have before. The stigma around mental health is being broken down, slowly, every day. A question that still arises, however, is why it’s so hard for student-athletes to get the help they need.

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