Senior column: I’m learning to let go of the things I can’t control
By Isabel Soisson | April 30Well, I’m here.
Well, I’m here.
Can we all take a minute and breathe?
Coming into college, I had absolutely zero interest in Greek life or anything surrounding it.
Take the SAT, graduate high school, go to college. High school dropouts are losers. Gap year takers are flighty. Community college transfers are uneducated. This is the narrative that is fed to young students across the United States.
Last week, Americans raced to enter their votes for the Iowa Caucuses, and many reacted to the confusion that ensued when it came to tallying votes electronically.
On Jan. 30, the world health organization declared Coronavirus a public health emergency of international concern after an emergency committee convened in Geneva.
When I came to Seton Hall my freshman year, I was excited.
Reflecting on the people you surrounded yourself with throughout your childhood can be an eye-opening experience.
Coming into Seton Hall as a freshman, I was adamant that I wanted to be involved in as much as I could.
I started my hunt for an internship after watching “The Carrie Diaries.” For anyone who has seen the show, you know that Carrie Bradshaw’s New York internship experience was nothing less than glamorous.
“Oh my god! Seton Hall is third in unhappiness for colleges? I knew I hated this school. Why did I ever decide to go here? This school makes me so sad.”
In a world constantly buzzing with social interaction, proper communication is essential in daily life. We communicate everyday – whether it be through face-to-face interaction, social media messages, body language, you name it. We are a very social civilization.
I grew up in a household where my father would come home from work, turn on the television and flip back and forth between FOX News and CNN until he decided it was time to call it a night and go to sleep.
As of Sept. 27 of this year, 18 transgender women have died according to The New York Times. The violent deaths of these women and the lack of attention their deaths have received are a reflection of a society that does not care about transgender women of color.