The South Orange Police Department released a statement late Tuesday afternoon that their investigation on Tuesday was "unable to substantiate" an anonymous phone threat Public Safety received that morning.
SOPD and members of the Essex County Sheriff's Office reported to campus shortly before noon to investigate the threat, according to a Pirate Alert sent around 11:45 a.m. that day.
According to tweets from the University (@SetonHall), all measures taken by the authorities were "precautionary."
Classes remained in session and the University resumed normal operations at 4:45p.m.
Police were at the front gate and stopping all incoming vehicles, according to the first alert. Drivers' licenses were being scanned at the gate as well, according to a student source.
The Ward Place exit was locked and all traffic was going through the front gate.
"We are taking all the necessary precautionary steps until we can determine the validity of the threat," the first alert said. "We will keep the community informed as the police investigate."
The University asked anyone to report suspicious people or activity on campus to Public Safety at x9300 and to always call 9-1-1 in an emergency.
Charlotte Lewis can be reached at