Q: How often does Safe Ride run?
A: Safe Ride vans are available from 7 p.m. to 3 a.m. every night and only operate on routes the SHUFly does not cover within an approximate one-mile range.
Q: How do you sign in overnight guests?
A: Overnight guests must have photo ID that has an expiration date: driver's licenses are best. A resident of the same gender must sign the guest in but a resident of the opposite sex can cosign as a daytime host for a guest. Guests carry a sticker around with them for the duration of their stay. In order for a guest to enter the build¬ing they need that pass and must be with the resident hosting them.
Q: What is the easiest way to figure out what there is to do on campus?
A: For incoming freshmen, the in¬volvement fair is a crash course in what there is to do on campus. Ev¬ery club and organization is there from academics to intramurals to Greek Life. Make sure you attend this event. There are also broad¬casts e-mails and posters all over campus buildings. Look down, there may be a chalk advertise¬ment for an event!
Q: How long will my walk be?
A: When walking from Boland to Jubilee, Mooney, or McNulty halls, give yourself about five minutes to get to your classroom. If you are heading to any other academic buildings, you should leave 10 minutes before your class starts at the latest.
Q: What are the library hours, and where is the best place to sit?
A: During final exams, Walsh Li¬brary is open 24/7. During the se¬mester, the library is open from 7 a.m. to 1 a.m. on weekdays, clos¬ing at 5 p.m. on Saturdays and midnight on Sundays. The first floor is noisy, but you will find more outlets and personal desks on the third and fourth floors.
Q: What should I wear to class?
A: Students wear a wide range of clothing to class. Some go all out and wear the latest trend to their 8 a.m., but there are plenty of stu¬dents who roll out of bed and run to that same class in their sweat pants. Just make sure you have your pen!
Q: What do I do with all of my spare time outside of class?
A: That time is for school work. Time not spent in class during the day is a great time to get your homework done for that week. Instead of heading back to your room to nap for an hour between classes, head to the library and get some reading done before the weekend.
Q: What do I do if my laptop is not working properly?
A: Take it to IT Services, located in the basement of Corrigan Hall. Just go down the main staircase to the bottom floor and take your computer and ID to room 29 down the hall on the right.
Q: What are the cafeteria hours, and when is it least crowded?
A: On weekdays, the cafeteria is open from 7 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. for breakfast. It reopens at 11 a.m. for lunch, which is served until 1:45 p.m. Dinner starts at 4:45 p.m. and the cafeteria closes at 7:45 p.m. On the weekends, there is continual open dining from 7 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. to 7:45p.m. Whenever the cafeteria first opens for a meal it is easiest to get a table, and as classes get out (for example, at 12:45 p.m.) there will be a crowd.
Q: If I need help with my school¬work, where can I go?
A: Seton Hall offers tutoring to all students, available right in your building through the Tutors in Residence, or TIR, program. In addition, the Writing Center and tutoring services are available on the second floor of Arts & Sci¬ences Hall.
Q: What is the best way to find out what to do in New York City?
A: The best way to figure out what you want to do in the city is to look online before and not only decide what you want to do, but get an idea of whether you want to take cabs, walk or use the subway to get from place to place.
Q: Where do I park?
A: The parking deck is located next to the Walsh gymnasium. There is parking space behind the gym by WSOU, under and sur¬rounding Xavier, outside Aquinas Hall, by the Complex (Serra, Neu¬mann and Cabrini), adjacent to the Art building, and more. If you are commuting, arrive as early as possible.
Q: Where can I find the SHUFly schedule?
A: The Blue Schedule is a PDF of the SHUFly arrival times, which vary each day. Visit http://www.shu.edu/offices/parking-services/shufly.cfm for a live SHUfly track¬er as well, which is also available in the SHU Mobile iPhone app.
Q: What should I do if I find myself or a friend needing coun¬seling?
A: Counseling Services is located on the second floor of Mooney Hall. You can call ahead to make an appointment, but walk-ins are also accepted. Counseling ap¬pointments are kept entirely con¬fidential.
Q: What is there to do in South Orange?
A: There are numerous restau¬rants in town for when you need a change of pace from cafeteria food, along with a movie the¬ater. South Orange also has many shops that are fun to explore.