The teenage nightmare of peer pressure presented in the movie, “Mean Girls” can cross its virtual boundaries and become a reality. There could be a Regina George in your life, but it doesn’t necessarily have to be a manipulative and materialistic ice queen who’s the head of a popular group like “The Plastics.”
Peer pressure can exist in a variety of forms and at different times in your life. In a brochure, the Counseling and Psychological Service (CAPS) said that “the first year of college is a new and exciting adventure, but on that may come with a few challenges along the way.”
According to CAPS, the most common stressors of a college student are time management, academic performance, roommate conflicts, long distance dating relationships and body image.
Yet, when it comes to peer pressure in high school, the general public will predominantly say it exists, but would the same mentality hold up when talking about students at a university?
“I don’t think peer pressure exists in college. I would say all the good and bad decisions that came out of peer pressure were developed at a younger age,” said Joey Fernandez, a freshman. “At this point, instead of being affected by peer pressure, we are finding people who have made the same decisions as us.”
Peer pressure can become a significant aspect in shaping how a person acts or behaves, especially during college, a time when finding yourself is of the upmost importance. The college experience is acclaimed for young adults to explore many options, but peer pressure may affect their journey to finding out who they really are or wish to become.
“I think peer pressure exists in college. It exists because in college we still feel like we need to fit in and be accepted by our peers,” said Meha Vikram, a sophomore social and behavioral science major. Whether it be pressure to drink, party, visit new places, try new food or take part in different experiences, college may become an arena for peer pressure.
Some may call it peer pressure, while others may call it experiencing their youth, but there can be negative or positive results.
“I think people are peer pressured into partying and doing things,” said Parth Patel, a senior biology major. “You come to college and you don’t have friend and so you feel pressured to do things to make yourself feel acceptable. It might not always be direct peer pressure.”
Nisha Desai can be reached at