Hey, Pirates.
Hope you’re all staying safe and healthy.

Next week is the last week of classes for the Spring 2020 semester. I know, that came fast.
As I’m sure we’re all aware, this semester hasn’t exactly been normal. We only really had half of it physically on campus, and we’re all dealing with a lot of change, uncertainty and new feelings.
This all being said, the last week of classes means something else: finals. Obviously, when we all started this semester we didn’t think we would be finishing it online, or taking our finals online. That is a lot to process. For a lot of students, online classes have been quite the adjustment. For a lot of students, online classes are not the best way for them to learn. This means that finals are going to be even more difficult than usual.
We at The Setonian wanted this week’s Voice to address all SHU students who are not looking forward to finals season during a pandemic.
Just as your classes changed, your study habits and methods of coping with the stress of finals have to change as well. Taking classes under these unusual circumstances means that now more than ever, you have to listen to yourself. If you’re feeling pressured, take a break. If you’re really not understanding something, go to your professor’s virtual office hours. If you’re missing those late-night study sessions in the library with your friends, FaceTime them and study together. If you truly feel like finals are too much to handle, reach out for help.
This is not a great time for those that struggle with their mental health, or anyone really. We all need to pay attention to what we need in these coming weeks, for our own sanity.
We wish you luck, Pirates. Remember, asking for help is never a sign of weakness.
The Voice is intended to best represent the collective opinion of The Editorial Board. It is written by The Setonian’s Editor-in-Chief.