Sam Beam, better known as "Iron and Wine," strays from his usual indie sound with "Ghost on Ghost," creating a more inviting platform for new fans. While it seems the folk artist is moving towards a new sound, he still maintains his exceptional song writing in this album.
While "Ghost on Ghost" features a whole new sound for Beam, the content of the album mirrors those of his others. He includes his usual lyrical subjects of love, relationships and spiritual themes.
Beam fuses a plethora of sounds into the tracks on the album. "Grace for Saints and Ramblers" explicitly has a disco sound, while "Lovers' Revolution" is an interesting blend of jazz and a hint of disco. The easy-listening track "Sundown" is perhaps the furthest away from Beam's former sound and is nothing short of soothing and tranquil. "The Desert Babbler" is reminiscent of The Beatles and The Beach Boys, proving that many songs on the album seem to be a new take on the 70s.
Fans tend to resent change in their favorite artist, whether it be in sound, content or look, but sometimes change is necessary for any artist to evolve and not fizzle out. This change will play out for Iron and Wine through album sales.
"Ghost on Ghost" is now available for purchase.
Shaniel Champagnie can be reached at shaniel.champagnie@