ALLIES is a campus-based organization that opposes discrimination against the gay, bisexual and transgender communities. The group focuses on education, while also giving its members a forum to discuss any matters they feel necessary.
"I believe that the best way to change someone's attitude is to increase his or her understanding and knowledge," group President Caitlin Ditchfield said. "We can all fear the unknown. However, when the unknown is manifested as a loved one or friend, we learn to accept.
"One major stereotype about our group is that our members are only gay," Ditchfield said. "We actually have a mixed group. You do not need to be gay to be an ally of the LGBT community."
According to ABC News, there have been five suicides in the last few weeks involving teens who were gay, or who were questioning their sexual orientation, including a student at Rutgers University.
On Oct. 20, people all across the country will wear purple articles of clothing to honor those who have recently committed suicide due to the treatment they received as a result of their sexual orientation. Many people at Seton Hall plan to participate in this event.
The group will also celebrate Ally week from Oct. 18 to the 24. They will have a table set up each day in the cafeteria from 10 a.m to 2 p.m., greeting interested students and handing out additional information about ALLIES.
Another event the group has planned is the National Day of Silence, which is part of Allies Week every April. There are also movies and discussions that take place on a weekly basis.
To join ALLIES, Ditchfield suggests e-mailing Anthony Angelella, the group's secretary, at, or attending one of the group's interest meetings.
"I joined ALLIES, because I wholeheartedly support its mission," Ditchfield said.
The group meets every Wednesday at 8 p.m. in Duffy Hall 61.
John Valentovic can be reached at